

High fired slightly more groggy  clay body and fired to 1300° C.


White firing body showing some translucency (if potted thinly). The Body contains a fusible material/Feldspar.

Saggar Fired

Fired in a fully inclosed ceramic box with combustable materials.

Wood Fired

Wood Fired work holds a special interest to the potter with its full commitment to “work” especially with the process of firing. The interaction between the clay and fire is completed with the ware being coated with the accumulated ash from the stoking, resulting in rich earthy colours.


Is executed in a loose brick kiln at temperature 1100° C for about 30 min.      
Ware is taken out of kiln with tongs  and  immediately dunked in any combustible material, (fully lidded) for around 10 min. then it is quickly placed in cold water. The process is very quick. That is an idea of Raku ware and the piece  is ready for use. I prepare clay with wood shavings for this ware.

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